Our full-time staff, apprentice staff, and summer staff are well-qualified and dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. They have made a sacrificial decision to spend time at Ironwood to help do the job of reaching young people and adults for Jesus Christ. God called them to Ironwood, and they’re happy to be in His will at His place doing His work.

This Christian ministry would be absolutely impossible to operate without a staff that is in full agreement with our doctrines, code of conduct, policies, and philosophy. This agreement must be not only in word or deed, but also in spirit. Therefore, our goal is to search out and recruit only those people for our staff who
—are born-again Christians;
—are fully dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ;
—are absolutely sure God has called them not only into full-time Christian work, but also to full-time Christian work at Ironwood;
—are growing in their spiritual life, being a good example while serving Christ and others;
—are loyal to the Lord, the ministry, and each other, in love preferring one another, letting nothing be done through strife, and being a friend in deed to each other, causing no divisions or splits through griping, complaining, gossiping, or comparing;
—are able by conviction and willing in spirit to sign our doctrinal statement and general code of conduct each year.

What do you guys do when no campers are around?